And, let us be fair, some MPs do work hard. 而且,说句公道话,有些下院议员工作还是很卖力的。
Therapies like acupuncture do work and many people have been healed by them. 针灸等疗法确实有效,已经治愈了很多人。
For milder depressions, certain forms of psychotherapy do work well. 对较轻微的抑郁症,某些形式的心理治疗效果的确不错。
Who do you work for? 你为谁工作?
He can do the work of two of us. 干活他一个能抵我们两个。
Furthermore, he notes, when big-tech turnarounds do work, they are slow and painful. 此外,他还指出,尽管大型IT公司扭转颓势并非不可能,但那是个缓慢而痛苦的过程。
Those that do work can have great impact and protect your franchise. 只要这些项目能够成功,便会给公司带来重要影响,保护公司的运营。
Refrain from using your bed to watch TV, pay bills, do work or reading. 不要在床上看电视,付账单,工作或者阅读。
In heaven we will be reunited with loved ones who are believers, released from all pain and suffering, rewarded for our faithfulness on earth, and reassigned to do work that day four: we will enjoy doing. 在天堂我们会与已信主的挚爱亲朋相会,不再有痛苦愁烦;我们亦会领受我们在地上尽忠的奖赏,并且会获派去做我们喜欢的工作。
To raise the temperature of an object, it is necessary either to add heat to it from some source at higher temperature or to do work on it. 要提高一个物体的温度,必须从一个温度较高的热源给这一物体加热或者对它作功。
Those who are not so wealthy symbolize their belief that even IF they do work for a living, they are just as good as anybody else. 那些并不富裕的人也把下面这样思想奉为信条:即使他们为生活奔波,他们也完全不比任何人逊色。
Three others based in China and India also do work for her, but report to managers in those countries. 其他三人分别在中国和印度,虽然也为她工作,但是他们的直接上级都是当地的主管。
When the load on your environment suddenly increases, you can boot your EC2 instances, run the worker script to register their availability to do work, and pick up and process the information. 当环境中的负载突然增加时,您可以引导EC2实例,运行工人脚本来注册它们完成工作的能力,并挑选和处理信息。
The secret of why you should want to automate things is this: It takes more brain power to get out of work than it does to actually do work. 应该把工作自动化的原因是:避免工作比实际做工作需要更多的脑力。
Responsible ( those who do work to achieve the task, there can be multiple resources responsible both functional and financial) R负责的(他们为完成任务而工作,在功能和财务方面有多个负责的资源)
Projects set the context for our work; we then must do work to complete the project. 项目为我们的工作设置环境;而我们必须完成这个项目。
By using primitive values on the stack, we can do work without using the current memory area. 通过使用栈上的原始值,我们就可以在不使用当前存储区的前提下完成工作。
Then set up another pool of threads that join on the second queue, and then do work on the Web page. 然后,对加入到第二个队列中的另一个线程池进行设置,然后对Web页面执行相应的处理。
If you follow the principles in the way you do work, you are exhibiting Agile behavior. 如果您按照这些原则进行您的工作,那么您就是一个敏捷执行者。
A dependency capability defines the ability for a unit ( for example, datasource) to do work for its peer units, which may be co-hosted or hosted on different units. 一个dependency性能定义了一个单元(例如,数据源)为它的同类单元进行操作的能力,可能是联合托管服务或者在不同的单元进行托管服务。
Students often will do work in their rooms and use electronic communication to communicate with their teammates. 学生们经常会在他们自己的房间内工作,团队成员之间通过电子通讯手段彼此联系。
They also continue to do work in their performance labs on individual situations. 他们也在自己的性能实验室研究各种情况。
These pauses can cause a momentary lack of application responsiveness and reduce the time available to the application to do work. 这些停顿会导致应用程序瞬间无响应,并减少应用程序的可用工作时间。
While Web service specifications sometimes do work as expected, if you use them on a regular basis, you have probably experienced far too many times when they don 't. 尽管Web服务规范有时确实可以按预期工作,但是如果要定期使用它们,则您遇到的多数情况可能是它们不能如期运行。
Similarly, when our company reduces its workforce, we slow our organizational metabolic rate ( i.e., our capacity to do work). 同样的,当我们的公司减少其劳动力时,我们减小了我们组织的新陈代谢率(也就是,我们工作的能力)。
Even if the job you want isn't necessarily creative, you can still do work that can help you. 即使你想要做的工作并不一定是创造性的,你还是可以做些能帮到你的工作。
Hotel Rooms Also connected to travel, I find hotel rooms to be a great place to do work as well. 酒店房间又和旅行有关,我觉得酒店的房间也是一个做事情的好地方。
And yes, they do work-although some represent a compromise. 的确,这些备选遮阳剂非常管用尽管有些个只是折衷之选。
But, some people have trouble letting others do work because they feel that no one can do it as well as they can. 但是有一些人没法让别人来做自己的工作,因为他们觉得没有人能比自己做得更好。
Well, my daughter heard that I said that and she called and she said," Mom I do work hard and my friends work hard. " 嗯,女儿听到我这样说时,她打电话跟我说:“妈妈,我工作非常努力,我的朋友也是这样。”